
Manisan Tomat

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan:
  • Tomat merah segar 4 kg (agak mengkal)
  • Gula pasir putih 1 kg
  • Kapur sirih bubuk 100 gram, siap pakai
  • Air secukupnya
Cara Membuat:
  1. Pilih tomat dengan warna dan ukuran yang seragam, lalu cuci bersih.
  2. Belah tomat menjadi 4 bagian, buang bijinya lalu rendam dalam air secukupnya yang telah ditambahkan kapur sirih (hingga terendam). Diamkan selama semalam, tiriskan dan cuci bersih. Pastikan daging tomat teksturnya agak keras.
  3. Masukkan tomat dan gula pasir dalam wajan lalu masak diatas api sedang sambil diaduk-aduk perlahan (jangan sampai tomat hancur) hingga gula larut dan agak mengering, angkat dan tiriskan. Dibutuhkan waktu selama 1 jam.
  4. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang awet, keringkan (dijemur di bawah panas terik selama 3 hari).
  5. Manisan tomat siap dikemas.

Semur Lidah Sapi


  • 2 pieces of beef tongue @ 800 gr
  • 3 tablespoons margarine
  • 5 plum tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 tsp fine nutmeg
  • 3 grains of pimento
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 50 ml soy sauce
  • Salt to taste
  1. Beef tongue dipped into boiling water, remove the shell - boiled again until lunak.Iris approximately 1 cm thick.
  2. Heat the margarine, put pieces of the tongue, stirring until no berair.Masukkan tomatoes and all seasonings, mix well.
  3. Add 400 cc water, cook until sauce thickens and the flavor to infuse.

Salted Egg Crab

Salted egg crab, this menu "in demand" in Surabaya. Crabs fried with salted duck egg yolk dressing is tasty and his 'krenyes' really feels.


  • 1 whole fresh crab meat
  • 35 gr cornstarch
  • cooking oil to taste
  • 3 tablespoons butter for sauteing
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped rather finely geprek and
  • 2 eggs fresh salted egg yolk, beaten off
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Sugar
  • 1-2 scallions, thinly sliced
  1. Rinse the crab, then cut into 4 sections or to taste.
  2. Marinate the crab with cornstarch until the flat surface.
  3. Heat oil and fry the crab until the color changed to orange / red, remove and set aside.
  4. Heat the butter over medium heat, saute the garlic until the aroma wafted, and enter the beaten egg yolk sauce, stir like making scrambled until blended.
  5. Add salt, pepper and sugar to taste and stir well.
  6. Cook until thickened, then enter the mud crabs. Stir until all ingredients and salted eggs attached to the crab.
  7. Finally enter the scallions and stir well.

Bubur Ikan

Cook leftover rice with a little more water, which crushed lemongrass and ginger are crushed. Add salt, pepper and bouillon powder to taste (after almost a porridge tasted first, if less delicious taste can be added to the broth powder and pepper).

Mix the fish fillets (can of tuna or salmon) cut in the box (2x2 cm) with a little salt, fish sauce and pepper, then steamed briefly until white. Mixed into the porridge and stir briefly, add sliced celery.
The pulp can be eaten with a sauce or soup cakue pieces.

Kuah Soto:
Stir-fry ground ingredients (onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric and pecan are boiled briefly), add lemon grass, laos and salam leaf. Then enter into the chicken broth. Add salt, pepper, sugar, bouillon powder, soy sauce and soy sauce.

Spicy Glass Noodles

Saute spices which consists of 6 red onion, 4 garlic, 1 segment ginger, 4 pecans, cayenne to taste, then add water and sliced tomatoes, slices of meat (long thin slices) or minced meat or pieces of beef liver (marinated once with fresh milk to taste).

Cook, stirring occasionally until the sauce oily and the water is low, and insert pieces of green onion and sliced red chillies fried, put salt, bouillon powder, sugar and a little brown sugar, oyster sauce and soy sauce. You can add a little more water if too dry.

Once the sauce thickens again entered a new glass noodles which was brewed hot water (not too cooked glass noodles) and stir well.

Noodle Soups Vegetables

Boil egg noodles until cooked but not too soft, set aside.

Saute minced garlic until fragrant, then put slices of beef meatballs and slices of chicken breast, cook until it changes color, then add carrots and cauliflower. Give a little more water, salt, pepper, bouillon powder, sugar and soy sauce a little. After a half-cooked carrots, cabbage and caisim insert pieces and eggs at random. Cook until the ingredients are cooked, then enter the noodles boiled, stir briefly and turn off heat, give a little sesame oil.

For the material can be added according to taste, for example plus shrimp, fish meatballs, peas, broccoli, chicory.
